28 de junho de 2016


Today I’ll bring you something more about me. The truth is that what I like to wear de most, despite large clothes, are boy clothes and as I have two brothers and a father with clothes that I really like, I always try to get their clothes or just to take them when I want. 
With all of that I made this outfit and I love how it looks. The shirt was from my father, the t-shirt and snikers from my brother, they didn´t wear any of this so I keep it, obviously. The jeans were from my brother, too, he never wore them, you can see why, right ? I don’t think these look like boy jeans, but well, too bad, I really like how I look with them.
For today this is all, hope you like it.
In the next few weeks I’ll go on vacations so it’ll be more difficult to post because I won’t have the computer with me.
Have a good holiday too,

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