15 de janeiro de 2017


How is it supposed for us to be healthy and don’t be stressed with our lives if more and more all that society cares about is technology ? Nowadays it’s hard to find someone on the street that is not on their phone, texting, listening to music, or just looking at it. I mean, I know I do that too, but I try my best not to, because I’m conscious about the beautiful things that we have in the world to see and appreciate. Why are people more concerned about the followers they have on the social media accounts or about the likes they have in a photo if what will actually make a person trully happy is the time she spend with others, herself and the world. I’m pretty sure we feel more peaceful just by smelling, watching and listening to the sea than having 200 likes on a photo. 
For a genuine society full of unmaterialistic people, let’s spend time outside the screens, in the nature, partying with friends, laughing with family, discovering the world. Don’t lose yourself on a screen when you have so much around you to actually care about.

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