4 de setembro de 2017


My body is like 8 or 80 with seasons, there isn’t a middle term. When it’s winter, I almost die freezing and when it’s summer I almost die by melting. Although I ‘work’ this way, there’s nothing I love most than a really hot day at the beach, where the routine is getting in the water and stay there like a fish until my lips start getting purple, asking me to go to the towel under a heartwarming sun so my skin absorbs it until the feeling of burn. When it gets to this part is time to transform in a fish again and let it get into a cicle. This is my image of a well enjoyed summer day, no matter if it is with family, friends or just by myself, when I have a day like this, I have a happy day.
And your image of a happy summer day, what is it ?

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